Panhandle Butterfly House

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The Panhandle Butterfly House in Navarre Florida is a fun little spot. And when I say little, I mean little. However, worth the trip to the home of lots of little butterflies and beautiful flowers.



The Panhandle Butterfly House is in the heart of Navarre on the south side of the highway just next to the Navarre bridge. Because it is so small it is easy to miss, so make sure you are looking for it as it is well worth the stop.

Panhandle Butterflu House

There is no charge to get in, however it is run on donations and by volunteers. After enjoying all the flowers at the entrance, you will enter a small room where you are welcomed by the volunteers. There is a small gift shop area and a butterfly collection on display donated by Dr Tom Grow of Gulf Breeze in 1999.

Panhandle Butterflu House

A small enclosed courtyard is attached to the back of the back of the building. This is the home to lots of butterflies. The area is full of flowers that the butterflies seem to love. They went about their business did not seem to notice us in their habitat.

Panhandle Butterflu House

The butterfly has four stages called metamorphosis egg, caterpillar or larva, then they form a chrysalis or Pipa and then the adult butterfly. The butterfly house has an area set up that has caterpillars feeding on leaves, then another area where they have different chrysalises. So, you can see three of the four stages.

Panhandle Butterflu House

The Butterfly House is small and on a summer day in Florida very hot. I would try to go in the morning or late afternoon to avoid some of the heat. This is a quick day trip, in general, I would plan to spend about thirty minutes to an hour if you spend time looking at the butterfly collection, and about fifteen to twenty minutes in the butterfly garden area. There were not that many people there when we were there, so we were able to move about freely.

Panhandle Buterfly House


Outside the Butterfly House you can walk about the gardens surrounding the house that are full of beautiful flowers and sitting areas. An archway leads to a walk around that you can take a walk around a pond.

Panhandle Buterfly House


If you are wanting more to do and you have small children, there is a small waterpark and a playground just next to the Panhandle Butterfly House.

Panhandle Butterflu House

Plan your visit to the Panhandle Butterfly House, Directions an additional Information.

Panhandle Butterfly House Update

The Panhandle Butterfly House is in the process of moving to a new location.

They are relocating to 4966 Henry Street in Milton, Florida. Hope to reopen in the summer of 2021. Follow their progress here.

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